- GOTO ITerm --> Preferences --> Keys
- Click on Add button (+ symbol) at the bottom to add a keyboard shortcut.
- Set the preferred Keyboard shortcut for the operation being performed.
- Set the Action as "Send Escape Sequence" or "Send Hex Code" depending upon the operation's code (Codes given below for each action)
Left: Send Escape Sequence 'b'
Right: Send Escape Sequence 'f'
Setting up Keyboard Shortcut (Sending Escape Sequence) |
Codes To Delete a Word:
Left: Send Escape Sequence 'd'
Right: Send Hex Code 0x1b 0x7f
Setting up Keyboard Shortcut (Sending Hex Code) |
- For Navigation: option(alt) + left/right
- To Delete a word right to cursor: option(alt)+d
- To Delete a word left to cursor: option(alt)+Shift+d
Note: Make sure the shortcut keys that you are using for these does not get overridden in "ITerm-->Preferences-->Profile-->Keys"